How to build products that become successful

7 Step Process To Create Products That People Love & Become Successful

Ramesh Reddy
Keera Design


It is always challenging to come up with products that people actually need & they actually love.

Let’s answer, when does people actually love something or someone?

People love something or someone when that product or idea or person actually make them feel happy or solve their problem with ease. isn’t it?

Anyone in this world can come up with ideas. There is no age limit for creating thoughts & ideas.

But, only a few can take action on a very few handful Ideas and in that also only a few (can count in fingers) may succeed.

Why do you think only a few get successful? Not all!

Because, the ideas they pick mostly by copying what others are doing! But, not from the real sufferings of people or with their own experience.

If we observe all the successful products / brands — the main common thing between them is the problems they are addressing.

When we see them from outside all those ideas are very simple. But, each of those ideas have huge need or problem to solve. Hence, people love them to the core.

Book Recommendation: Think Simple — Ken Segall

At the core, all the founders of these big brands are doing building their ideas with utmost passion since the beginning.

If you want to build such an amazing product that people actually love, These 7 steps may help you to do so. Let’s checkout

1. Seeing From The Eyes Of A Sufferer

The one who is suffering, knows his pain accurately. It’s very hard for some outsider to exactly describe the pain or problems they are going through.

But, if you are really empathetic, If you can put yourself in the other person’s shoes with deep empathy. You can feel the pain as accurately as they are.

Being empathetic can help you see the problems, feel the pain what other people are going through.

To become successful, You must build this mindset as early as possible. Because, this very same trait is very powerful. It can make you stand out as a great leader.

Practice it with as many people as possible. Be observant even with your own situations.

You don’t know when & where you find next billion dollar idea. Be Active, Be Open & Be Empathetic.

2. List Down All The Needs & Pains

Hence you started building that mindset, It’s time to jot down all the pain points that people are going through.

Jot down all the problems you are seeing & feeling with people. Even with yourself.

There is no small or big. Just keep listing down things you see and feel.

Remember, you no need to go to no mans land to do this. Just observe from the people you face in your day to day activities. Your family, relatives, friends, colleagues, co-travellers, yourself, your environment etc.

Keep practicing this. For every 3–5 days, go back & analyse on the list of problems you noted down.

During the process a few problems really touched your heart. They struck deep inside you. Identify them.

3. Pick The Most Interesting Idea

According to research, an average person gets about 6200 thoughts a day. Not every thought gets struck. 99% of them, we forgot.

Hence, noting them down helps you to revisit at your leisure time. Who knows, one may be your next billion dollar idea in the list.

In the first step you have noted down all the problems & identified the problems that struct in your heart.

Now, it’s time to pick one problem. Why one? Why not 2 or a few in that case?

Well, practically speaking, it’s impossible to solve two hard problems at a time! Yes, few problems may interdependent which means, if we solve one, the other may automatically builds a solutions as a byproduct.

Except that, it’s highly impossible to solve two hard problems at a time.

Now, How can you choose one Idea?

You can actually pick an idea based on two factors — one is your passion(Are you really passionate about that particular Idea?), other is the Impact(How impactful it is if we solve this problem).

Your job now is to find the right sweet spot between passion and impact.

4. Identify All The Ways To Solve That Problem

You had identified all the problems and picked the most interesting one to solve.

Now, it’s time to build the solution. As how you listed down all the problems you observed. Now it’s time to list down the different ways to solve the problem you picked.

There will be many different ways to solve a problem. Think about as many solutions possible by going out of the box.

I would highly recommend using Design Thinking & UX methodologies to come up most Human-Centric solutions.

Once you figured out the way to provide solution. It’s time to move to next step.

5. Create A Prototype

Once you identified the solution path, you must start building prototype as early as possible.

Prototyping helps you to build the minimum viable solution (MVP) and take it to the market as early possible.

Hence once you identified the solution, go ahead and build some prototype & get ready to enter into the most interesting phase — Testing.

6. Test, Test, Test

Testing is the most interesting & highly neglected phase. This is where many entrepreneurs go wrong.

Testing helps you to bring the solution to the real people and understand the efficiency, effectiveness & satisfaction of the solution with the real people.

Many big companies like Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Adobe etc. uses testing very effectively to build most Human-Centric solutions.

During this phase you find a lot of insights that helps you to enhance & evolve the product. So, just observe with keen eyes.

7. Iterate The Process

With all the insights you found, analyse them. If something need to be changed you can always go back to any step in the process and start upgrading from there.

There is nothing wrong to going back to any step in the process any time you want. Because all these steps are iterative.

Iteration is real magic and it is so agile approach to Ideate, Design, Build & Launch products to market very quickly.

Bonus — Passion

Passion is the most amazing thing that happens to any successful entrepreneur.

Even the most struggling entrepreneur feels the struggle as most sweetest thing if he feels highly passionate.

All the steps above will work effectively only when you are deeply driven by passion.

That keeps you all the night & helps to keep you motivated when you drive through all the steps above to build the desired solution.

Watch this video Steve Jobs talk about passion


These are 7 amazing steps that helps you build most Human-Centric and people loving solutions. Keep implementing them with your product.

Hope this article helps you understand to build most successful products that people love

If you have any doubts, you can ask your questions in the comments below.

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Ramesh Reddy
Keera Design

I am a digital entrepreneur started my life with technology. Then soon enough understood the value of design & design thinking in business.